Plants are a good source of health benefits. Even the spice that is used in our meals is good for our health and has medicinal value. One example is garlic. Garlic is a well known spice but also is a natural antibiotic. It can prevent growth of microorganisms causing infections.
Another popular herb is the oregano. Oregano is widely known for its distinct aroma in pasta, pizza, and many other Italian dishes. Like garlic oregano is as well famous for its medicinal value.
Wild oregano oil is extracted from the Wild Oregano plant. They grow high up in the mountains free from pollution. This oregano oil is a natural antibiotic used in preventing the growth of microscopic organisms like bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses.
The human body has natural anti bodies. When attacked by foreign microbes, these anti bodies our body produce are released to attack the invaders. When our natural anti bodies can not fight these organisms, we rely on antibodies either from plants or micro organisms developed by our scientists and medical researchers.
The wild oregano oil according to studies is effective in boosting our immune system. If one has a sound immune system, chances are he is less vulnerable in catching diseases and infections such as colds, flu etc. Our immune system is a built in defense mechanism against harmful microbes.
If your immune system is weak or compromised, you are more likely to catch infections and diseases commonly caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, etc. once in contact with any of these. The wild oregano oil aids in toughening up your immune system and in eliminating the unwelcoming microbes responsible for causing us sickness.
Bacteria can live almost everywhere. In land, water, and even inside animals and the human body. They are often found in our skin, airways, mouth and digestive tracts. Not all bacteria are harmful. Pathogens are bacteria that are harmful to us because they produce harmful toxins, invade our tissues or do both. The toxic wastes of parasites living inside our bodies are harmful to us. They as well can be a danger to our health as they rob the body of the food and they eat away tissues and cells of the body. Bacteria live in soil, seawater and even deep within the earth's crust. They as well live in the bodies of humans and animals often on the skin, mouth, airways and digestive tracts. Often they do not cause harm. However a few kinds of bacteria called pathogens cause disease as they produce harmful substances or toxins, invade tissues or both. Parasites are harmful to us because they consume needed food, eat away body tissues and cells, and give off toxic waste that in turn makes us sick.
Fungus is a type of germ that is harmless most of the time but can cause infections. Most fungal infections are just on our skin. Most infections caused by viruses can be effectively fought by our body's immune system, so it helps to have a strong immune system. Wild oregano oil is known to have anti bacterial, anti virus, anti parasitic and anti fungal properties. It boosts your immune system to be effective in fighting and getting rid of these harmful organisms.
The wild oregano oil has anaesthetic and analgesic property which makes it as an effective pain reliever against headaches, muscle aches and toothaches. In fighting toothaches, not only does it stop the pain but as well helps kill the bacteria causing the pain. For a small plant, its healing wonder can not be denied.
Another popular herb is the oregano. Oregano is widely known for its distinct aroma in pasta, pizza, and many other Italian dishes. Like garlic oregano is as well famous for its medicinal value.
Wild oregano oil is extracted from the Wild Oregano plant. They grow high up in the mountains free from pollution. This oregano oil is a natural antibiotic used in preventing the growth of microscopic organisms like bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses.
The human body has natural anti bodies. When attacked by foreign microbes, these anti bodies our body produce are released to attack the invaders. When our natural anti bodies can not fight these organisms, we rely on antibodies either from plants or micro organisms developed by our scientists and medical researchers.
The wild oregano oil according to studies is effective in boosting our immune system. If one has a sound immune system, chances are he is less vulnerable in catching diseases and infections such as colds, flu etc. Our immune system is a built in defense mechanism against harmful microbes.
If your immune system is weak or compromised, you are more likely to catch infections and diseases commonly caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, etc. once in contact with any of these. The wild oregano oil aids in toughening up your immune system and in eliminating the unwelcoming microbes responsible for causing us sickness.
Bacteria can live almost everywhere. In land, water, and even inside animals and the human body. They are often found in our skin, airways, mouth and digestive tracts. Not all bacteria are harmful. Pathogens are bacteria that are harmful to us because they produce harmful toxins, invade our tissues or do both. The toxic wastes of parasites living inside our bodies are harmful to us. They as well can be a danger to our health as they rob the body of the food and they eat away tissues and cells of the body. Bacteria live in soil, seawater and even deep within the earth's crust. They as well live in the bodies of humans and animals often on the skin, mouth, airways and digestive tracts. Often they do not cause harm. However a few kinds of bacteria called pathogens cause disease as they produce harmful substances or toxins, invade tissues or both. Parasites are harmful to us because they consume needed food, eat away body tissues and cells, and give off toxic waste that in turn makes us sick.
Fungus is a type of germ that is harmless most of the time but can cause infections. Most fungal infections are just on our skin. Most infections caused by viruses can be effectively fought by our body's immune system, so it helps to have a strong immune system. Wild oregano oil is known to have anti bacterial, anti virus, anti parasitic and anti fungal properties. It boosts your immune system to be effective in fighting and getting rid of these harmful organisms.
The wild oregano oil has anaesthetic and analgesic property which makes it as an effective pain reliever against headaches, muscle aches and toothaches. In fighting toothaches, not only does it stop the pain but as well helps kill the bacteria causing the pain. For a small plant, its healing wonder can not be denied.
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