Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How Power Walking Can Benefit You

By Frank Colon

The human body is a wonderful thing such that at over 60 years, you are still able to be physically fit and quite active for many more years to come. You would be properly amazed. Some of these so called old people are able to do with their muscles the kind of stunts only expected of footballers.

To firm their muscles, regulate blood pressure and have trim bodies are now things that are at easy reach of these people. As they carry on with what is called "power walks;"the middle aged people have discovered that they can improve in many ways and that is why they love this form of exercise.

There are various types of power walking. They are gauged according to intensity and power. It is possible to decide how much weight to lose and at what rate your health can improve.

When you walk up the hill, it increases your stamina or endurance strength. Also get the elevated treadmill if you do not have a hill nearby. This will be at the local gym or you can opt to get one for your home.

The purpose for such an elevation is to help you add rigor to the walking exercise. It will help your joints to improve if you are able to walk up and down a ramp regularly.

Various activities are there to help make your walk more strenuous and less boring. These are all good for your health and strength.

Have the walk broken into phases, or segments that will alternate between faster and slower speeds at given intervals. Which means the beginning might be at a comfortable pace for a certain period, then increase the pace for the same amount of time, before slowing down again. Keep repeating this for as long as you can take it. This could be up the hill or even around a track in the field.

Then the other option you can use is to vary your strides this time round instead of dealing with speed alone.

Do You found it Useful? Have a look at this blog for other nice tips on Diets for quick weight loss.

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