Sunday, March 20, 2011

How to Start Losing Weight Utilizing No Money This Weekend

By Ruby Jordan

Finding a great weight loss plan and trend that is effective as well as long lasting is quite hard to do especially that this time when there are many kinds of plans and methods that one can engage to. In addition, with all the methods out there, it is quite confusing whether to give one of them a try or not. However, through all those trends and methods, Dr. Simeons HCG diet is one of the most known and proven plans to be effective. It has been used for many years and up to now, many people are still using this diet method to lose their excess weights and to get in shape.

It was 1950s when Dr. Simeons HCG is formulated. This method is known for making it possible for individuals to lose weight. It involves HCG injections and also a very low calorie diet. Those primary parts are vital in the process simply because those two are the essential factors that make the process successful. In addition, those primary components are important as well because they make the whole process fast and give great weight loss results as well. Moreover, if you want to understand this process a lot better, the best thing to do is to know the different HCG diet stages:

* The loading phase is the primary stage on Dr. Simeons diet plan. There are times that people would have to undergo the cleansing stage but usually they proceed right away to the loading stage. Within this stage, you will be required to eat as much as you can, especially on those fatty foods. This may seem not necessary but this stage is important particularly in preparing the whole body before engaging to the HCG diet. This way the body will be free from starvation.

* The second stage after the loading part is the initiation of Dr. Simeons HCG shots. This is where the person will receive HCG shots that can last up to 40 days. However, it will depend on the amount of weight that he wants to reduce. And along with the HCG intake, the person will also need to undergo an HCG 500 calorie diet. This means that the food intake per day must not exceed 500 calories.

* The third stage is going to be the maintenance stage. This is just like the second stage where you will be engaged in the diet that is only 500 calories a day. Nevertheless, in this maintenance stage, which typically lasts for 3 weeks, you can eat much more than the given calorie level. But still specific foods are not allowed such as starch, sugar, and also hi- carbohydrates.

* The relaxation stage is the final and fourth phase. This phase simply allows you to have all the different kinds of food that you can eat but certain control is required. Through this phase your metabolism will be reset which is helpful and vital to the process. Moreover, when the relaxation phase is done, the loading stage will be done as well as the succeeding stages for you to achieve your goal weight.

These are HCG diet four known stages. You may wonder why you need to have too much food to take before staring the process and after that you will be required to go through a diet and also go back to normal food intake. However, all of those things are important; they are the factors in making the process effective and having better results. There are people that doubt this diet plan and it seems like a joke but definitely, there are plenty of people who have proven you can successfully lose some weight through it.

Throughout the world, Dr. Simeons HCG diet is trusted and known diet plan. Moreover, at this time, the popular HCG shots are being improved and now have oral kinds to give much convenience to individuals who actually have fear of injections and also needles. In addition, because of this method, people can have the opportunity to shed off some weight especially the overweight ones. Finally, by this, it is more possible to have a healthier body and prevent certain diseases. However, always keep in mind that you have to ask a doctor's opinion before engaging to this diet process to know if your body can possibly take the whole process or not.

Do You found it Useful? Have a look at this blog for other nice tips on Diets for quick weight loss.

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