Friday, April 15, 2011

How to Choose the Right Protein

By Joe Maldonado

Protein is the building stone of our body. If we don't normally receive protein, it can result in really dangerous health problems. If we are exercising for building muscles, the need of our body for proteins naturally increases. After every workout our body starts to regenerate our muscles. For this regeneration it needs large amounts of protein. We can supply our body with its protein need with our normal daily diet but for fast and healthier recovery we must support our daily protein intake with a protein supplement. There are a lot of generic brands producing different types and forms. To find the top protein supplements, we must know our own body and find the most suitable one for our needs.

The best selling proteins supplements are those that contain whey protein. It is produced from milk and it is a natural type of protein. In the contents of whey protein essential amino acids can be found in a very high concentration. You can find whey proteins in two different types. They are concentrate and isolate. Concentrate proteins may have varying concentrations of protein whereas isolate whey proteins contain more than 90% proteins. Therefore it is better to buy an isolate protein supplement. The isolate protein supplements may be more expensive than the concentrates but they may also contain at least twice the protein content.

Casein protein is also known as milk protein. This supplement contains casomorphin and glutamine. If you don't want to consume protein made from milk or dairy products, you can try soy protein. You can also find egg protein that doesn't contain any milk protein. Hemp and rice proteins are the other alternatives that can be found in the market.

Even if you are not building muscle or working out, taking protein supplements can have benefits on your health. Protein intake increases the fat burning process in the body. In this process your fat burns and new muscles are formed instead of them. However you must be careful about your daily dosage because excessive protein consumption can cause some problems for the body. Osteoporosis and kidney problems can be seen in people who take too much protein supplements. These are closely connected to each other. When protein is taken excessively, excreting of the excess protein can harm the kidneys and when the kidneys are harmed bone loss can start. According to your exercise you must choose the right proteins because aerobic and anaerobic exercises use different kinds of proteins.

Protein supplements can be found as powders, bars or jells. These forms are for personal preferences and they have nothing to with the ingredients. Any kind of protein can be found in any form. You can't distinguish the top protein supplements from their form or brand. You must find the most suitable protein for the type of exercise you are doing and the needs of your body. For this you can consult a trainer or a doctor. The trainers working at gyms would be happy to help you and share their experiences.

Do You found it Useful? Have a look at this blog for other nice tips on Diets for quick weight loss.

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